
22/2 分享日誌之身:前列腺癌之一:嚴重性


先了解,究竟驗出前列腺癌是否危機呢? 原來,前列腺癌經常驗錯。
『在九十年代之初,「前列腺特異抗原」審查Prostate Specific Antagen(或PSA)Screening是公認的「前列腺癌」測試指標。二十年下來,統計數據顯示這做法並不準確。不少男士做了這審查,誤以為自己 有癌的徴狀,因而馬上接受治療;很多時卻發覺不但徒勞無功,更會是弄巧成拙,白白無辜地遭受到不必要的身體缺失,例如泌尿困難、不舉,甚至心血管毛病。』

  『是否所有的癌都很容易擴散?那又未必。就看最常見的十五種癌:乳房、結腸、子宮頸、食道、腎、肝、肺、皮膚、口腔、卵巢、胰、前列腺、胃、睾丸和膀胱,最不會擴散的是前列腺癌,擴散率低於10%;最能擴散的有五種,第一是卵巢,之後是胰、肺、結腸和胃癌(資料來自美國國家癌症研究所癌症調查報告,Surveillance Epidemiology and End Result,刊於http://www.seer.cancer.gov)。

  為什麼前列腺癌很少會擴散?原來,前列腺癌細胞的表面,有一個叫KAI的蛋白質。這個KAI,是一位中國學者發現的,發音是Kang Ai,「抗癌」也。在8月出版的權威刊物《自然醫學》中,一組在芝加哥大學婦產科的學者報告,發現在血管內壁的內皮細胞上,有一個叫DARC的蛋白質,它能吸住前列腺癌細胞表面的KAI,之後,癌細胞很快會老死(Nature Medicine Vol.12 pp.933-938)。』

信報007-12-11 「前列腺癌」:
  『前列腺癌是眾多癌中比較低調的,大部分(70%)男人的前列腺都窩藏了微癌。微癌的問題本來不大,但由於它像凶險的前列腺癌一樣,都能提高一個叫前列腺專有抗原(Prostate Specific Antigen, PSA)的生物指標,很多病人因而在不必要的情況下挨刀,小則割去前列腺,大者牽涉到睾丸的存廢,後果是可大可小。正常人的PSA含量,一般是在每立方厘米(c.c.)的血中,約有四納克(一克等於十億納克)。由於四納克的量十分低,是一個很難準確地化驗的數據,美國的尿科學會正在建議,想重新制定一個準確性較高的化驗方法。』



具體如何擴散呢?信報2007-12-11 「前列腺癌」
『前列腺癌…特別是會擴散到骨髓,之後把骨「吃掉」。原來,身體在破骨(Osteolysis)過程中,會釋放表皮細胞生長因子(Epidermal Growth Factor, EGF);癌細胞可以從這裏獲得EGF配給。這像是給癌打了一支強心針,幫助它增生。因此,若要令癌細胞不致去到一發不可收拾的田地,可以用Denosumab去抑制破骨細胞的活動,用Zoledronate去殺死破骨細胞,用Gefitinib去住癌細胞表面的EGF接受體,或用Bevacizumab去干擾癌細胞,不讓它利用血管的EGF去偷血。』

A review commissioned by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concluded that "Prostate-specific antigen-based screening results in small or no reduction in prostate cancer-specific mortality and is associated with harms related to subsequent evaluation and treatments, some of which may be unnecessary,"[5] or more simply, "[t]he potential benefit does not outweigh the expected harms" in patients not already diagnosed or being treated for prostate cancer.
While PSA testing may help 1000 in 1,000,000 avoid death due to prostate cancer, 4000 to 5000 in 1,000,000 would die from prostate cancer after 10 years even with screening. This means that PSA screening may reduce mortality from prostate cancer by up to 25%. Expected harms include anxiety for 100 – 120 receiving false positives, biopsy pain, and other complications from biopsy for false positive tests. Of those found to have prostate cancer, frequent overdiagnosis is common because most cases of prostate cancer are not expected to cause any symptoms. Therefore many will experience the side effects of treatment, such as for every 100 men screened, 2.9 will experience erectile dysfunction, 1.8 will suffer urinary incontinence, .2 will have serious cardiovascular events, .1 will suffer pulmonary embolus or deep venous thrombosis, and .1 perioperative death. Since the expected harm relative to risk of death are perceived by patients as minimal, men found to have prostate cancer usually (up to 90% of cases) select to receive treatment.[5


