
鄭建基先生 Mr. KK Chang

鄭建基先生 Mr KK Chang

現為私募公司創辦人,在香港金融市場超過20年工作及投資經驗, 在金融界人脈網路廣泛, 在二千年科網股熱潮時與香港財經著名分析員陳永陸及鄧聲興等創立財經網站駿陸控股公司(hk6.com), 該公司發展順利, 成為主要財經網站及網上財經內容供應商, 發展即時財經新聞、財經評論及視頻等, 更獲得路透社在港附屬公司認購財經內容, 分銷至證券公司、銀行等網站, 其後駿陸控股成功在二零零二年在香港創業板上市,成為香港第一間成功招股上市的財經網站。過去鄭先生曾任職於花旗銀行、開創房地產中介公司、任職外匯、保險經紀(持有長期保險、一般保險、投資相連保險、強積金中介人等牌照)、股市、基金公司(持有證監會1,2,3,4,9等牌照),亦在香港新城電台任職財經部主管及後發展為財經電台,及在南華早報開拓財經網站等。

HK6.com 招股書企業理財顧問專家委員

鄭先生現為中國發改委培訓中心引進及國際資本市場協會(International Capital Market Association, ICMA)頒發的企業理財顧問師的企業理財標準委員會專家委員、香港註冊財務策劃師(RFP-HK)、特許財務策劃師(FChFP)、核准風險評估策劃師(CRM)、英國財務會計師公會會員(AFA)、中國勞動及社會保障部職業技能鑒定中心中級理財規劃師及企業培訓師, 中央財經大學保險系保險理財規劃師。他有多年金融市場工作及投資經驗,並積極參與各類保險業及證監會的應考培訓及投資者敎育工作,包括在香港新城財經台向聽眾講解保險知識及保險產品比較,在北京清華大學、上海交通大學、廣州華南理工大學、北京對外經易大學等校外課程部教授註冊財務策劃師課程、香港大學校外課程部、香港中文大學校外課程部、理工大學持續進修學院及香港證券專業學會(香港證監會旗下全資附屬公司) 、香港生產力促進局、香港管理專業協會敎授財務持續教育課程; 而在企業培訓方面亦為中國建設銀行、中國工商銀行、中國農業銀行、中國銀行、廣發銀行、深圳美國友邦、招商銀行、民生銀行、中信實業銀行、廣東核電廠及香港中信嘉華銀行、美國運通銀行、蘇黎世保險公司、美國萬通保險公司等作內部培訓。

鄭建基先生1988年畢業於香港中文大學,並於1996[1] 英國赫爾大學修畢工商管理碩士(財務及投資)。


1  香港聯交所駿陸控股有限公司(08206)招股書 .香港交易所.2002-10-31



Mr. Chang Kin Kei, is a Registered Financial Planner (RFP), Fellow Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP), Certified Risk Planner (CRP) of CRM, Associated Financial Accountant (AFA) of Institute of Financial Accountants and is founder of a Private Equity Company. Mr. Chang has vast experience in Financial Market and actively participates in investor education including hosting financial programs in Metro Broadcast Radio, teaching RFP courses held by HKPC, HKMA, and adult-education arms of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Guang Zhou South China University of Technology, Bejing University of International Business and Economics, and conducting Financial Planning Courses for SPEED. Besides Mr. Chang is trainer for different Financial Institutions including China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, AIA-SZ etc.. Mr. Chang graduated in Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1988 majoring in Mathematics and double minoring in Economics and Government and Public Administration. He acquired his MBA in Investment and Finance in 1996. Mr. Chang has been a teacher for Secondary School and Evening School for total 5 years. He works as financial journalist for various electronic media companies including Radio Television Hong Kong and Electronic Times Network, a subsidiary of Economic Times. He was the man-in-charge of financial programs of Metro Broadcast and financial website of scmp.com. In year 2000, he, together with Hong Kong’s most famous investment strategists and market commentators Mr. Chan Wing Luk and Tang Sing Hing, Kenny, set up the financial website hk6.com. The company was expanded to be a multimedia financial information services provider. Its name was changed to HK6 Holdings Limited and was listed in the GEM board of HKEx in Nov 2002. The stock code of HK6 Holdings Limited is 8206.