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建立於 2010-03-24, 週三 04:23
宣明會呼籲捐款協助中國西南地區的旱災災民. 大家可看看當地情況:
中國西南地區正遭受歷史罕見的嚴重旱災,廣西、重慶、四川、貴州及雲南多省 災情持續嚴重。根據中國民政部統計,受災人數已超過5,100多萬人,1,600多萬人更陷入缺水的困境。
宣明會已 派員到雲南東川縣評估災情及了解災民的迫切需要,亦將抵達災情告急的廣西及雲南尋甸縣進行視察,並計劃提供儲水用具、儲水池,建 設引水工程及於有需要時派發大米。
「每天都要趕小毛驢到三、四公里外的地方揹水,才能維持生活。」宣明會工作人員在雲南的東川縣慰問70歲的吳婆婆(圖左),她 說近月旱情更為嚴重,現在不去揹水便沒有水喝,但最傷心的還是家裏的麥苗和豌豆苗也已乾枯,不再結果了。
收成 無望,加上每天面對嚴重缺水的苦況,吳婆婆與千萬受災同胞正亟待您的援手! |
趙煥明 謹啟
Dear Partners,
A huge area of southwest China, including Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, has been suffering from a severe drought and the situation continues to worsen. According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, about 51 million people are affected while over 16 million people are unable to access drinking water.
World Vision relief team has arrived Dongchuan county of Yunnan for assessment and is heading to Guangxi and Xundian county of Yunnan. We plan to help the people by providing water storage facilities, improving water accessibility and distributing rice if necessary.
"Every day, we have to walk 3-4 km with our little donkey to fetch water in order to stay alive," the 70-year-old lady Mrs Wu in Dongchuan county of Yunnan told World Vision staff. The drought situation continues to worsen. "We can no longer survive without fetching water. Worse yet, our wheat and pea seedlings have all dried up."
The 70-year-old Mrs Wu and millions of villagers are now facing severe food and water shortages. They urgently need your help now. |
Yours truly,
Kevin Chiu
Chief Executive Officer
World Vision Hong Kong
23 March, 2010